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Project type

Mixed Reality, Immersive Technologies


2021 - 2023



Ashnihilation was created by artist Tom Milnes as part of Green Minds, a cultural initiative focused on rewilding, green mindsets and sustainability.

The issue of ash dieback, a disease threatening the survival of ash trees and the ecosystems they maintain, inspired Tom to highlight the various flora and fauna that rely on the tree, as well as its local significance. To this end, he looked to MR and a digital rewilding of Plymouth's Hoe park using the Microsoft Hololens 2 - transposing a great tree atop Plymouth's iconic Smeaton's tower and populating the park with Tom's photogrammetry creatures.

I was brought onto the project as lead developer and built the Ashnihilation software using Unreal Engine 4. In the process, I learned a great deal about developing for MR, spatial computing and the future of immersive technologies. Additionally, as on-site tech support and a key member of the team, I had the opportunity to develop a number of other skills such as team management and audience engagement.

Following the project's original run in 2021, Tom and I have continued working on the project for other occasions. It has been showcased at open day events representing AUP (Arts University Plymouth) and at the Green Minds conference in June 2023.

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